Monday, March 1, 2010

Blue Monday - water day

I finally made it to a blue monday on MONDAY :-)
Here is my little man having the best play date ever. We decided that the best and most fun day would be spent in a mini pool playing with his friends while the mommies looked on asking... why can't we do that. It's such a simple thing, to enjoy each other's company and splash a little water every now and then, without worries.

... and then after all the splashing is done, enjoy a delicious, nutritious, home made yogurt and BLUEberry ice pop!

Happy BLUE Monday to all!
Don't forget to visit Smiling Sally to see blues around the world! Thank You Sally for hosting.

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  1. Oops! You forgot to link in to:

  2. Aww he is a doll! Happy Blue Monday!

  3. What a cutie and he sure looks like he had a lot of fun. I got the flatware cabinet from Horchow or Neiman Marcus on line....Christine

  4. He looks like he has a lot of fun ^_^

    3 Gnomes

  5. What a cute little guy! Just a doll! Nice post.

  6. Wow he is really enjoying it. He is so cute.

  7. What a beautiful darling! and boy, does that blueberry yogurt pop ever look yummy :)

  8. That boy is so cute!!!

  9. Aww, there's nothing like spending a warm day at the pool with the kids. It sounds like your little guy had a blast! A wonderful play date indeed. :) Please feel free to visit my blog at
    Thank you for the smiles :)

  10. Sweet simplicity makes for life's most memorable moments :)

    Mrs. X
