
Monday, June 13, 2016

Peaceful mornings are priceless

Since our big move last year I have been swamped with life. All good stuff that happens when you have kids, home to maintain, pets, and trying to get or do a job. It's life and it happens and I consider myself blessed to be busy because of it.

Almost an entire year and I am finally taking the time to just sit and write, read, listen to the birds, and just be one with nature. We rented a house in this small town, primarily because the schools are great, secondly because it is a safe and beautiful neighborhood. 
What makes it beautiful is simply the accessibility to nature, watching the sun rise and set unobstructed. More than anything is the large number of birds and other small animals we enjoy watching.

Sharing some peaceful blues was such a treat for me. Smiling Sally made me look for blues and actually helped me to focus in times when I was not all there. Sally passed away recently and I was saddled to learn the news, however, I believe she is resting peacefully in a sea of blue.

Sharing our blues in honor of Sally on

Have a beautiful day!


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