
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Blue Monday- Sights around DC

Today on blue monday... 

The ceiling in the National Museum of the American Indian.  This is an amazing structure with it's little window peaking at us from above.
I really enjoyed learning and helping my kids learn.  I think we have to go back, there's so much to see that one short afternoon is not nearly enough.  The kids loved the "ImagiNations at Play" area, so much fun and so much to do.

The United States Air Force Memorial located in Arlington, Virginia honors the men and women who have served in the United States Air Force.  The monument overlooks the Pentagon, the Potomac River and Washington DC. The monument was officially dedicated on Saturday, October 14, 2006. The United States Air Force Memorial which was designed by James Ingo Freed, symbolizes flight and the flying spirit with three stainless steel spires that are 270 feet high and represent contrails of the Air Force Thunderbirds as they disperse.  The United States Air Force star emblem is embedded in granite beneath the spires. The Memorial also has a paved runway entry, a bronze Honor Guard statue,  and  walls with inscriptions and for visitors to pay tribute to fallen airmen.

Visit Sally to see what other Blue awesomeness others are talking about!!


  1. Happy Blue Monday Terie!
    So sweet of you to stop by yesterday!!
    Have a blessed week :)

    Kay Ellen

  2. Hi Terie great photos, we've been there to DC 2 months ago we had a blast. A lot of historical attractions but the traffic downtown is horrible :(
