
Monday, September 24, 2012

Blue Monday- Family Weekend at UMW Fredericksburg VA

We had a great visit with Em this weekend during Family Weekend at University of Mary Washington. I can't believe I have 2 kids in college! AGHK! I don't feel a day over 30. I like thirty. It's like being a mature adult but still get away with acting a little immature once in a while...well I do that now but I often get weird looks for those in my age group.  HA! Guess who has more fun! That's right! ME!

Anyway, back to .... what was I doing? Oh yes, the girl in college. Yes, family weekend. Oh what fun. 

They were excited to see each other again, after only one month. Oh boy, the next visit isn't for another two months, YIKES!

Mary Washington is in a great location right in the middle of Old Town Fredericksburg VA. 
This weekend there was so much going on, but most enjoyable was the street art by local artists.

The antique shops...

And a fun meal at Pancho Villa, where a very sweet waitress named Marilyn befriended us like we were old family members from out of town.

I'm glad we visited and hope to return again soon. Next time I will have to visit the vineyards.

Maybe I'll pay her to go have fun with siblings and I'll take a tour of Lake Anna Winery and check out the local goods....hmmm!?!

Enjoy the BLUES here and at Smiling Sally's Blue Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your beautiful blues. Our children do have a way of growing up so very fast.

    Happy Blue Monday, Terie.
