
Thursday, August 30, 2012

The eyes of children...mine!



Through The Eyes Of A Child

It is through the eyes of children
That your actions will be met
Remember what you give in life
More often, you will get

Don’t bring them up with violence
Don’t punish them with pain
If you educate with love and care
They’ll reward you time again.

I want to be the one who
They come to for advice
Don’t shout and ball in anger
Its better to be nice.

So think next time they do wrong
Don’t simply raise your hand
To the innocence before you
And with you they will stand 
Poem by Simon Gowen
Please visit Themed Thursdays to read more about today's theme "EYES".


  1. You have shared some beautiful photos of children's eyes!

    Children live what they see. So important to be a positive role model for a child.

  2. that was such a wonderful parental manual....i often wonder, after watching the news, how could anyone betray a child's trust with hurt....

  3. it is really scary how they will copy your every will get what you give in life as well...i agree...wonderful pics of your little ones....

  4. Your children look so happy and cute. And lots of wise words in the poem. Definitely love goes a lot farther with raising the children but I think that many adults continue the cycle they were taught. Although I think the cycle of violence is happening less often. Many adults are trying to end that cycle of violence.

    Thanks for sharing such great eye pictures and a nice poem to go with them. Thanks for joining us in this weeks Eyes Theme Thursday.

    God bless.

  5. I wrote on this too, but your perspective is much more beautiful as are your children's eyes :).

  6. They are absolutely beautiful! I love it!

  7. Love the images. They enrich the poem.

  8. Hi Terie,

    I forgot to tell you that what you post each week does not have to be a poem. It just seems like we have a lot of poets who are playing right now, but if you go read on the sidebar then you will see that there are only a few rules and it is pretty much an anything goes for your post. Some just post pictures, others post stories. It is basically a smorgasbord of posts. That is the beauty of this theme in that you never know what you will get, whereas most other Themes are very specific in what one has to do.

    The main thing is for you and everyone to just have fun and a nice visit with the other players. Welcome aboard, it is wonderful to have you join us.

    God bless.

  9. The eyes of children...yours, yes!
    Very good advice I agree completely with: no violence, no pain.
    Love, love and more love, that's what they need.
