
Sunday, October 25, 2009

The beauty of the day

Sometimes we all just get caught up in the stresses of everyday life.  We run errands, we work, we take care of the kids and the house, etc.  In the process, we could potentially miss entire seasons during a time when we should just be thankful.

Lately I've been taking time to stop and smell the firewood burning.  It's not as cold as I am used to for a fall season but still some people are lighting up fires indoors and out.  I love the smell of firewood in the fall.  This changing season offers not just the smoke coming out of the chimneys but also the colors, a brisk cool air, the beauty of the day.  It is just amazing that we could even let ourselves miss all this.

I decided I would go for a walk in the evenings with a my neighbor Maria.  So just before sunset and after dinner, baby in the stroller and the girls on their bikes, we set off on a 2.5 mile walk around the neighborhood, or a 5 mile walk through the park.  It has been absolutely amazing, relaxing, and spiritual to take in nothing but the sounds of the birds and the sounds of children laughing.

Sometimes we just have to say Thanks because we have the ability to experience such beauty in our lives.

Enjoy the beauty of the day, everyday!


  1. Aww it's so beautiful. Think I will go on a nice little walk later, you have inspired me :)

  2. What a lovely post! Love those photos. It's so true what you said about whole seasons just zipping by without being noticed. I was just saying that same thing to my friend. I can't believe the leaves are already falling. I have to get out this week and really enjoy them before they're all gone...Love the smell of burning wood! Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Paulette ;)

  3. Hi Yira,
    What a Lovely POst. I love the pictures so so calming.
    Youre right...we all do need to take time and take in the beauty all around us. The world is indeed a wonderful place to be.
    p.s. I am gonna need permission from you to use some of these pics on my blog :) they are so beautiful.
