Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Today was a most productive day and I'm still up with enough energy to read a few blogs and even write a little. Because of our military life we are never in one place for more than 2 holidays and to make matters worse, we are never close enought to have the family come over to our home, instead we choose the year which we travel, usually to a central location where many of the family members gather.

This year, once again, we are going to celebrate Thanksgiving with our family in this central location.  My job was to bring apple pie and sweet potato casserol.  As always, I waited until tonight to do it all, because, you know, I'm wonder woman.  On top of that chore I had to work at the gym teaching twice today, get the kids cleaning, laundry, packing, etc.  So much to do, so little time.

My young artist (14) and the little peanut (6) helped out in the kitchen, one was peeling apples, the other mashing sweet potatos, while I was assembling and preparing the ingredients for our two awesome dishes.  These are not diet friendly, except for the fact that they both fall in the fruit and veggies category.  That should count for something right?

Meanwhile, the Tenor, about to be 18 and his little brother now 2 hung out in another room, studying , playing and doing what they do best....eating!

It was such a nice experience to have them both in the kitchen, working along side me and each other.  There was no fighting, no arguing, no hormonal imbalance.  They just followed instructions and did their jobs.  

They will both remember this night and I will personally treasure our time together.  I'm just sorry I didn't take pictures.  I guess that means I'll have to do it again soon.

When asked what I am thankful for, the answer is pretty easy and I don't think I need to spell it out.  My pride and joy, my kids.

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